- I was too tired.
- I was sleeping.
- I couldn't think.
- I forgot what I wanted to write about.
- I was crying for no apparent reason.
- I was thinking about doing housework.
- I was too stinking tired.
- I didn't want to bend over to get the computer.
- ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz.
I have about 8 weeks left to cook this kid before he's all done. I have exact equal feelings of, "Wow, only 8 weeks? I'm not ready. That's really soon." AND "Oh my gosh, I have to waddle around like a cow and function like this for 8 more weeks?! I'll never make it that long!"
It takes so much energy to do anything right now. And I have to go back to work in a week and a half. To my coworkers: I thank you in advance for your understanding. I am going to do my best, though my best is not that great at the moment. To my students: please be nice. That is all.
I'm enjoying these last weeks of pregnancy as best I can. I have equal feelings as well about this possibly being my last time pregnant. (To answer everyone's question, we haven't decided it this is it or not. We'll see. And on a side note, why is everyone obsessed with asking that? I know you're curious, but keep it to yourself. It's kind of weird.) On one hand, telling me this is the last time I'll be pregnant is like, "Aww, I'll miss the feeling of life growing inside." On the other hand it's like, "THANK YOU! I'M MISERABLE!"
While I am overwhelmingly grateful to be a part of this miracle and would not trade it for the world, anyone who tells you pregnancy is wonderful is LYING. Or more likely, suffering from selective memory loss. It happens.
These are the things I miss the most right now:
- Diet Pepsi
- Caffeine
- My lap
- My balance
- My bony feet and ankles
- Sleeping without being kicked in the lungs (I'll trade that for not sleeping at all soon, I realize)
- Pants that don't have to come up to my armpits
- Underwear that fits
- Shoes other than flip-flops
- Energy to do anything
- Excitement of a new baby coming.
- Having an excuse to sit down wherever I go.
- An excuse as to why my house is a wreck.
- Feeling him move (most of the time, see above)
- Not worrying about if my belly looks fat.