Tuesday, April 3, 2012

This blog entry is not airbrushed

I went shopping again today. I didn't think I could do it so soon, but I made it back this time without tears (at least mine, Brynn cried a couple of times). I knew better than to go alone though, I took my mom with me in case I broke down again. :)
However, since apparently maternity clothes are an endangered species in Spartanburg, I came home and got to looking online. (It's pretty bad when a Dillard's employee refers you to Target!)
I will start by saying I have found some cute things that actually look like maternity clothes online, not just clothes you wear when you're trying to hide that you're pregnant. (I want people to be so sure that my belly has a baby in it that they aaaaaaalmost ask me. We all know you never under and circumstances actually ask someone.) However, I am quite intrigued by the fact that even plus sized maternity clothes are airbrushed! I am not experienced in graphic design, but I know for a fact there is no way a woman wearing these clothes could have arms as skinny as these. And trying to add an hourglass figure to a 8 month pregnant woman is just silly. It's not going to look natural no matter how you try.
Who do they think is looking at these clothes? I suppose they think I'll look at this and say, "Wow, if they can look this skinny in these I must by them!" While in actuality I'm thinking, "Can I please just see what they really look like in these clothes?" Sigh.
The journey continues.


  1. I always had really good luck at JCPenney at Haywood Mall. They have a maternity section that is downstairs, near the escalator. I also liked oldnavy.com.

  2. I don't really know why they started editing the way people look in magazines and ads anyway. And people wonder why our teenage girls (and women of all ages) have complexes about vanity.

    I actually only bought about 5 pieces of maternity wear when I was pregnant. I had a pair of jeans, a pair of shorts, a pair of capris, a tank top and a nice shirt. Other than that I just wore regular tank tops a size bigger so it would cover my belly completely (it was the middle of summer) and Stephen's t-shirts. Oh, and my khaki work pants, so that makes six.

    Good Luck finding some awesome maternity clothes!
