This started as a preface to a blog I started to write, but then it turned into enough of an entry itself. The entry that inspired this will come later.
Here's a big fat unsurprising disclaimer: I'm not a theologian. I took one required religion class in college that only briefly mentioned Christianity. My validity as a spiritual leader of any sort is only backed by 20 (almost 30, *gasp*) some-odd years of listening to a handful of preachers and many Sunday School teachers, debating scripture with friends, sporadic (at best) personal study, and things I've heard from the I AM Himself (and trust me, I don't take that lightly).
That being said, the posts I write are simply what I draw from scripture and how it applies to my life. As was in many cases in my AP English classes, I may perceive them in some way that is off from how they were perhaps originally intended. But perhaps that's how God intended his Word to be. A Davy Jones of sorts.
I have heard many people say they have read a verse a thousand times, but that 1,001st time they read it, it meant something different. Or that they realized something they never had before. Just like with the story of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32). Remember the first time you realized the father was God and YOU were the prodigal? Or the first time you thought about it from the brothers' perspective? Or the first time you considered YOU were the brothers? I believe you hear and see what you need to at that point in your life.
All this to say that maybe you think how I've interpreted something is wrong. Maybe you're right. Or maybe I'm just a vessel to show a different light on an old idea.
That is the beauty of God's Word, it is always revealing new mysteries. This is something I've thought about as I've began to write devotionals. Even as I write down one thought, I can see several others appear from the same words. Sometimes, we need some new light!