Sunday, January 1, 2012

Stuff I'd like to happen in 2012, in no particular order.

1. The news does not mention the Mayan calendar relentlessly. (No one knows the hour Jesus is coming back and I'm ready for Him, but it it still makes me nervous, so hush.)
2. The Grant family gets a dog. (Names considered so far are Loula, Tuvok, and Good. Last one was Brynn's input.)
3. The Grant family will have another healthy baby on the way. (Note "WILL." I have nothing to tell yet, just to clarify.)
4. I get back on my FlyLady track with keeping my house clean.
5. I lose some weight and do healthy stuff like not eat McDonald's every week. (#3 will hopefully interfere with the first part of this one.)
6. I go back and finish the devotionals I didn't do during my previous Bible study.
7. I get some kids OUT of special ed for the first time in my career.
8. I blog at least twice a month. (Once summer hits I'm upping my quota, but for now, I'll be realistic.)

Happy New Year!

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