Monday, July 8, 2013

Two days! Yahoo!

Walk 2 minutes
Run 1 minute
Walk 2 minutes
Run 1 minute
Walk 2 minutes
Run 1 minute 35 seconds
Walk 2 minutes/stretch

This may not sound like a lot to you, but that's more than I've run since....ever.
I don't know why I want to run. (By the way when I used the word "run" up there, it was more like a turtle waddling through mud, but it was more movement than the walking!) But I always have wanted to, in spite of numerous failed attempts at trying to do so without my vision blurring from lack of oxygen.

Part of me was worried about if someone saw me running, and they might think, "Look at that fat girl trying to run, how precious." Instead of what they should be saying, "Good for her!" But I read someone else's blog last night and she made a good point that if people are going to be cruel, they're just going to be cruel whether you're eating a Twinkie or a rice cake. So whatev.

I tracked all my points today. Even the chicken salad croissant and sweet tea I decided was totally worth the points at Delightful Dishes for lunch today. (Thanks, Ginger!) I almost blew it when I was fixing Brynn baby corn dogs tonight for supper and I was STARVING.

I stopped at two though and had a turkey spinach wrap instead. A little less 4-year-oldish supper, if I say so.
So yay for me, I moved my hiney today more than I have and wrote this blog instead of eating the Pringles that were calling my name. 

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